Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This video is about Indonesia tourism.

As an archipelago, Indonesia has a lot of tourist destination. There are a lot of beaches and mountain, for example is Kuta Beach at Bali island and Mount Bromo in East Java.

Mount Bromo

Kuta Beach

There are a lot of flora and fauna in Indonesia. Some of them like anoa and komodo dragon are indigenous to Indonesia. Western Indonesia is more  influenced by Asian Fauna like elephant and rhinoceros. Meanwhile, the east is more influenced by Australian, like maleo bird and bird of paradise. The east and west area is divided by Weber line and Wallace line. This diversity is caused by diversed range of ecosystem.

There are also a lot of historical place and building such as Borobudur temple that was built during Sailendra dynasy at around 800 AD and Monas (National Monument) that is a trademark bulding in Jakarta. Borobudur also part of the 7 wonders of the world last time. Unfortunately, now it is not.

Borobudur Temple

You can also watch a lot of traditional dance like Kecak dance and also traditional musical instruments like Gamelan in Indonesia. You can also buy batik clothes for souvenir


Also, you can try some exotic food like Gado-gado and ketoprak in Indonesia.

This video is made to promote Indonesia tourism to the world, especially after there is a lot of travel warning from another country such as America and Australia that forbids its citizen to go to Indonesia. This happened after the Bali bombings and several bombings in Jakarta. This terrorist act severely damaged Indonesia tourism industry and foreign investment prospect. By this video, Indonesia wants to tell that Indonesia is already safe now and fight the terrorism in the world. 

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Friday, 22nd August 2008 Assignment

Hello everyone! Welcome to my first blog. I am majoring in industrial engineering in Georgia Tech. Pardon me if my english is bad.

For the last 24-hours, here is the activity that I've done:
  • E-mail my friends in Indonesia (written) 6:00 PM; ask their condition and experience in their university.
  • Text messaging my parents (written) 10:00 PM; remind them to call my cellphone on 7:30 AM today, or I will not be awaken.
  • Talk with my parents (oral) 3:15 PM; tell them about the class that I have.
  • Read flyer about Georgia Tech Swarm (visual) 5:25 PM
  • Chat with my friend using windows messenger (electronic); I ask him about his condition.
  • Read my friend's blog in the internet (electronic) 6:15 PM; I read about her experience in her university.
  • Using body language to my mother (non verbal) 08:20 AM; My mother asked me if I have math class today and I nodded, which means yes.
In Indonesia language, there is also some convention. For example, the word "I" in English, have several words in Indonesia language. They are:
  • "saya"; this word is used between us and someone who is much older than us such as our parents and teachers.
  • "aku"; this word is a little bit more informal. It is used between us and our brother, sister, cousin.
  • "gw"; this word is informal. It is used between us and our friends.
So we use the word depends on our relationship with the people we speak to.

In Indonesia, there is a lot of tribe and race that have their own language. So, there is also some homophone words. For example is the word "pisang" in Indonesia, it means banana in Jakarta but for Toraja people, it means "jackfruit". Also, there is some words that sounds rude to some tribe or race.

Actually, there is almost no abbreviation in Indonesia language. When we teenagers communicate with our friends via text message or 3-mail or instant messaging, we rarely use abbreviation like in the United States. To shorten the word, we simply don't write the vocal alphabet. For example, the word "saya" is written "sy". We don't write the word only as its initial like IMO, LMAO, LOL in English. We sometime use some English abbreviation like BTW that means "by the way". But we seldom use it when we write e-mail or text message to our parents. We rarely use them because mostly they don't understand about what is written in it.

There is also body language. I think it is the same in almost all part of the world. For example, if we nod our head, that means "yes", if we raise our shoulder, it means we don't know.