Friday, October 24, 2008

The Archives

The first picture below is an aerial photo of Georgia Tech in 1950s. I found the photo in the archives center and I took a photo of it. It is interesting because from it, we can see the campus building in the past and compare it with the aerial photo nowadays. The second picture is from Google Map, it is also an aerial photo but it is from 2000s.

If we compare the two pictures, we can see:
  • The Kessler Campanile, or sometimes called "The Shaft", near the skiles walkway wasn't built yet (it is the black round thing in the upper left corner from the second picture). It is built for the 1996 Olympic Games.
  • The Bobby Dodd stadium is a little bit different, maybe it is reconstructed between the time period.
  • The East Housing Dorms (the left side of Bobby Dodd stadium in picture 1 and the right side of Bobby Dodd stadium in picture 2) is pretty much the same.
  • The Skiles Building (the rectangular building with a hole in it) is the same.
From the comparison that we have already made, it is clear that the archives is very important to see about Tech's development from time to time.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Poverty and Inequality in Indonesia

In this blog, I would like to respond to Arjun's blog about Indonesia. In his blog, he tells that in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, can become rich busy entrepreneurs who enjoy the rich city life. The blog also tells about Indonesia's development and also the inequality that happens in Indonesia. I agree with him about the inequality that happens between the rich and the poor. I would like to tell about the poverty and inequality that happens in Indonesia.
It is true that Indonesia has been developing as a developing country, even tough no as fast as other developing country like China and India and Indonesia also has made a remarkable progress in reducing poverty from the 1970s to 1990s. It is made by reducing growth and making large investment in health and education. In the 1998 economic crisis, poverty increased rapidly but nowadays, it had returned to the state before the crisis happened.

Even tough poverty in Indonesia is reduced, the inequality, however, is increasing. The gap between the income of rich people and poor people is getting larger. We can assume that the poverty in Indonesia is decreasing because the rich people income is getting larger or there is more rich people in Indonesia while the poor people's income and the number of poor people remain stable. There is still a lot of poor people who live below $2 a day.

We can also see that poverty in Indonesia has a regional face with remote areas being poorer, but the number of poor people in Java is much higher. This happen because of urbanization, there are a lot of youth trying to find job in Jakarta while most of them do not finish their education. The effect of this is youth unemployment has been rising  dramatically since the crisis.

Of course the government must do something to decrease the poverty and inequality. Several things that pop out of my mind is to reduce youth people and to achieve universal p primary education. By receiving education, a lot of youth can work in a higher wage rate than if they don't receive any education and therefore the poverty and inequality can be reduced.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

You Know You're From Tech When ...

I found this T-shirt at Barnes & Nobles at Technology Square. It is dedicated for Tech students and alumni. The T-shirt's claim is about rivalries between Georgia Tech (Tech) and University of Georgia (UGA). It all started in 1893 when Tech played UGA for the first time and defeated them in the football game. The UGA fans was angry and threw stones to the Tech players. This action by UGA fans create the rivalry between Tech and UGA known as "Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate". Since then, come the famous Tech chants "What's the Good Word?" devoted to the rivalries with UGA.

The Good Words is a cheer used by Tech students and alumni at football game against UGA or other sports events. It is also used in greetings, for example is in the last FASET (freshman orientation) that I attended. The MC cheered "What's the Good Word?' three times which we answer "To Hell with Georgia!". The last time, the MC asked "How 'bout them dawgs?" which we answer "Piss on 'em!". The Good Word has evolved, it is not only a chant or a greeting but it has also become Tech's identity. So the next you meet someone who is also from Tech, you can ask them "What's The Good Word?".