Saturday, September 6, 2008

The South's Development, What Do You Think About It?

In my previous blog, I told about a claim that is made by A. V. Huff. The claim is how recent and profound the South's transformation had been. To me as a newcomer in Atlanta, I agree with the claim that A. V. Huff made.

The first reason why I agree with the
 claim is about Atlanta's architectural and method of transportation, the city where I live now. In the past, Atlanta did not have as many skycrappers as it is now. The picture in the left is Peachtree Street in 1907. It looks pretty old-fashioned. The transportation vehicles in that picture are also different from now. The right picture is Peachtree Street right now. There are a lot of cars nowadays and the building is taller than Atlanta back in 1907.

Below is the video that shows Atlanta development from time to time. The real movie about Atlanta starts on minute 2:10.

A. V. Huff also said that the he still picks cotton crop in the 1940s when he was still a child. But today, a lot of Southern kid does not even know what cotton crop looks like. Below is a graph that I find in my economic books. It tells about the percentage of jobs that people have during that period and what goods is produced during that time.

From the graph, we can see that in the 1940s, the percentage of people that work in agricultural area is around 20%. In the 2000s, the percentage of people that work in agricultural area drops into around 3%. This decrease also means the decrease in farm area. That is the reason why today's kids do not work in the farm during school's year and why they don't know what cotton crop looks like. Finally, below is two images that pictured what A. V. Huff said about kids picking cotton crop during school's year.

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